Sydney Marriage Celebrant – Dilber Kendir Marriage Celebrant

Sydney's Marriage Celebrant

Dilber Kendir

"Your love journey, your perfect ceremony."
- Dilber Kendir


Dilber, a marriage celebrant located in the heart of Sydney City, is privileged to have a backyard that showcases some of Sydney’s finest attractions. From the iconic Sydney Harbour and the breathtaking Royal Botanic Gardens to the picturesque beaches, art galleries, museums, historic houses, and charming hidden corners around the city, Dilber’s surroundings offer a splendid backdrop for weddings. She takes great joy in connecting with incredible couples from all corners of the globe who are embarking on this marvelous new chapter in their lives.

Now comes the search for the perfect celebrant. Look no further than Dilber Kendir, a Sydney marriage celebrant who embodies warmth, enthusiasm, and a contemporary approach, accepting all love out there. Dilber relishes the opportunity to collaborate with imaginative and deeply affectionate couples, ensuring that their wedding ceremony becomes an unforgettable occasion, as extraordinary as their love itself.


What's next?

Step 1

Arrange a personal meeting or communicate through Whatsapp with Dilber to discuss your wedding festivities.

Step 2

Dilber is available to assist you in designing and executing a flawless ceremony while taking care of all the necessary legal documentation.

Step 3

Practicing the ceremony beforehand will help alleviate any nervousness.

Step 4
Wedding Day

It's time to tie the knot!



Get in touch with dilber